Doa Kedua Orang Tua itu sangat yang Mujarab loh Khusus Untuk Anak Agar mereka bisa Sukses

I get frustrated waiting for responses to job applications. The references needed are different today than when I was young. Most of the companies I worked for no longer exist and were before websites, email and on-line applications. Back then, a prospective employer just picked up the phone and verified employment through human resources. Rather than getting frustrated, I've been using this time on relaxing activities. I get excited over bargains I can afford while not working. It is entertaining watching haul videos from local dollar stores. Of course, the cool stuff is never at my store but there is fun in the search. I also get excited in sampling beauty boxes and treasures found in junk sales. I bought a beauty grab bag at church for two dollars and was ecstatic to find two unused palettes still in their packaging. I looked the products up and was thrilled to discover they were brands I can't afford. Lucky me. I search for books at my dollar store and the two dollar books a couple times a year at the book store. I still keeping hoping to be discovered writing these articles. Even if I don't, my words will be out there after I'm gone. I hope some of them will touch lives for good. When I get to heaven it would be nice to hear someone I don't know tell me I made a difference. I've been trying to learn to play the guitar and find tutorials on-line. I've been praying for people I am not fond of. Maybe they will change or I will. Tonight, let me speak words of encouragement into your life. While you are waiting for something anticipated, I hope you can find joy in simple pleasures. May the sun warm you. May water cool you. May your stomach be full and shelter keep you safe. May you find friends in strangers you pass and peace in solitude. May you find comfort during sadness and someone to share celebrations with. Only God knows why we have to wait for good things to come along. When I've done all I can do, I have to trust. I know the great things that have happened in the past and possibilities still yet to come. I accept the fantasies that are not likely to come true but welcome unexpected blessings. I'll be here in the waiting and hope you will be too.

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Doa Kedua Orang Tua itu sangat yang Mujarab loh Khusus Untuk Anak Agar mereka bisa Sukses
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