After a run or fast walk or very long walk especially if you are 60 or over your glycogen store has been mostly depleted. That's when fat storage has all but taken over. It requires oxygen to convert more acetyl sugar to ATP and your lungs aren't efficient enough to grab the oxygen you need. Fresh from an inspiring walk we feel invincible and good about ourselves. That is when we can follow up with nutritional self-care to cool our body down and feed our tissues to prepare for our next exercise date. Very active and vigorous exercise choices are good for medium and heavy-set physical constitution. For the person who is always trying to keep their weight on or put weight on Ayurveda recommends exercise like yoga, Tai Chi and stretching. Before your workout make a date drink. Soak five dates in a glass of water overnight. Next day liquefy the mixture in the blender and drink. this will give you energy and vitality. If you don't like dates you can grind a one-half cup of fresh watermelon seeds to make a fine pulp. Add one teaspoon of low glycemic sugar and one half teaspoon of ghee and eat it on an empty stomach. These recipes are from Ayurvedic Cooking For Self Healing by Usha Lad and Dr. Vasant Lad Foods from the kitchen are superior to any thing you can buy in a can in a store that sells a million and one supplements according to the science of Ayurveda. Nutritional research supports this fact also with studies that reveal that the supplement industry has 50,000 recalls a year. Regulations have been relaxed to the point of hardly any regulations. Making your own foods fresh with local ingredients is the best, trusted food medicine we can provide for ourselves. After a work out take one cup of freshly squeezed orange juice with pulp with a pinch of salt is good for fatigue after exercise. At least one time a week to increase your nutritional support for muscle tissue regeneration make the following recipe: Two bananas, five fresh figs, chopped together with a spoonful or two of honey add two pinches ginger powder. This is a complete meal and a tonic for muscular strength. Movement is our best medicine. I have heard that anti-sitting is our next anti-smoking campaign for public health. Movement as in exercise is the antidote for long life. Ayurveda cautions that we should exercise only 1/2 our capacity. This measure of exercise stimulates our gastric juices, eliminate toxins and reduce fat. When you over exercise you can get dehydrated, become breathless, over exert muscles even heart muscles leading to heart disease, arthritis and nerve disorders. Just click here and sign up for my Ten week Ayurveda Online Class. I will teach 40 minutes and then we will have live Questions and Answers. I always use evidenced- based research to support the food principles. I have been teaching and practicing Ayurveda for thirty years. Currently I teach at SRJC in Santa Rosa California.
Pernahkah Saat Kamu Tertidur Pulas, Tubuh Tiba-tiba "Bergerak dengan Sendirinya"? Ternyata Semua Karena "Kebiasaan Sehari-hari" Seperti Inilah Penyebabnya!