Essential Oils Aromatherapy and Natural Healing According to the World Health Organization, approximately three hundred million people suffer from stress and depression as of February 2017. Depression is seen as the leading cause of disability worldwide and there are no signs of the epidemic subsiding. These people are dependent on antibiotics, anti-depressants and a range of other drug programs to manage their specific condition. While these forms of medication help to effectively numb and negate issues such as depression and stress short term they do not delve deeper into the causes of apparent symptoms. There are however other forms of therapy and healing which have shown positive results for a number of disorders, allergies and physical ailments. These methods also do not have detrimental side effects which western medication programs often experience. Most common of all being addiction and dependence. I'm talking about Essential Oils. It might interest you to know that Aromatherapy and Essential Oils can greatly reduce numerous illnesses such as depression, anxiety, and stress levels as well as the flu, Hay fever and cuts and bruises by correctly applying the right techniques. Popular examples of Essential Oils include tea tree oil, frankincense, geranium, and lavender, among others. Aromatherapy is the use of aromatic Essential Oils as a remedy for various common illnesses. Scientists have debated since time immemorial about the place of Essential Oils in the field of medicine. Some argue that they should be used as a form of treatment, while others view it as a supplement to conventional medicine. All these angles have been explored in bringing about homeopathic remedies. Essential Oils are sometimes considered better cures in comparison to conventional medicine because they naturally restore the healthy state of the body. This is through regulating the blood pressure, enzyme activity, and the energy within the bodily systems. There are many more benefits, which cater to curing various common ailments. In addition to this, these oils can be mixed to form blends that cater to a wider range of ailments in comparison to the effect of using one oil. They work to strengthen the immune system in order to help the body fight disease on its own without the introduction of foreign substances in the body. Common ailments include • Allergies • Nausea • Anxiety • Depression • Sinuses • Sleep issues • Stomach issues Some of these ailments have one remedy such as rheumatoid arthritis, sore throat, hay fever, flu, and even natural healing. On the other hand, others have more than one natural remedy such as the essential oil blends. For example, the next time you feel a cold coming on try the Eucalyptus chest rub remedy. This amazing natural oil is potent in intensity and forces your airways to open up while soothing the chest. Just like anything else the storage use and application of Essential Oils requires some knowledge. There are various types of equipment and tools for storage and usage, such as reference books, bottles and vials, cases, inhalers, syringes, blenders, atomizer, droppers, and even diffusers, among others. Having said that it is really easy to get started with Essential Oils the most important thing is a reference book or a basic guide. As you progress it may be productive to start investing in equipment, recipes and a wider range of oils. Some things to think about are: • Learning the basics of Essential Oils before making a purchase. This is with respect to the benefits and effectiveness of the oil and also how they work on the body. • Learning about your specific ailment to make sure that the oil or therapy you want to try will fit the purpose. • Where to start? How many Oils to start with and which ones? • Exploring and expanding your options after you get positive results from the use of your basic essential oils. • Is it really necessary to purchase tools and equipment to get started with Essential Oils? Many cures to common ailments consist of just one oil. For example, Headaches and migraines can be soothed by gently rubbing lavender or peppermint oil onto the temples and back of the neck. However it is important to learn about dosages as too much of an Essential Oil could actually increase the symptoms of your Ailment. If you suffer from migraines or headaches why not experiment with lavender or peppermint oil and go from there.
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