6 Fakta Bowo Alpenliebe, Seleb Tik Tok Kontroversial yang Bikin Fansnya Ngaku Rela Jual Ginjal

Many people have good intentions about creating their Spiritual Legacy for their grandchild. The Bible tells us in numerous places to tell the next generations what God has done for us. However, procrastination seeps into our lives. Creating a Spiritual Legacy ranks high on the "can wait until later" list. In full disclosure, I will admit that I am a member of the "Procrastination Club" in many instances. Faithbooking just doesn't have a high priority ranking in the daily lives of many people- at least not like, cooking, washing clothes, and doctor's appointments. Every day God gives us a special gift. That gift is "time." Each one of us receives 24 hours in one day. Along with that precious gift comes another-the freedom to use our gift in the way we choose. Don't you love to spend some of your time chatting about your grandchild and showing off photos of him/her? Most of us would do most anything in the world for our grandchild. But would you really do anything? Would you be willing to give up just a little teeny bit of your time (say 24 minutes a day) to invest in your grandchild? That's less than 2% of your day. In less time than it takes to watch one episode of "Wheel of Fortune" you can start a spiritual keepsake for your Grandchild. There's only one way to get through the procrastination barrier and it is simple. The only way you can quit procrastinating is to start. The best way to start is to pick out a time and go for it! Do you believe God is stirring in your heart about leaving your Spiritual Legacy for your grandchild? "Teach what you've seen and heard to your children and grandchildren." Deut. 4:9 (MSG) When do you think is the best time for you to start? How much time do you feel you can invest in the spiritual life of your grandchild each day? 15 minutes? 24 minutes? 45 minutes? Write down the amount of time you will invest daily or, if not daily, on which days? Monday and Wednesday, or the weekends? Be specific about your intended schedule. Write your goal. This is my goal: "I will invest at least 15 minutes a day Monday through Friday for the Spiritual Legacy for my grandchild." Barrier #2 But Which Steps Do I Take and When? Don't despair! Faithbooking is something that is best taken in baby steps. So if you are ready to start investing a few minutes for the Spiritual life of your grandchild, I'll give you three simple actions to start on right now. * Pray and ask God what He wants you to do. "... if you want to know what God wants you to do--ask Him, and He will gladly tell you... " James 1:5 (NLT) * Start sifting through your photos. If you're like most of us Faithbookers, we have tons of photos-some in boxes in the closet and some digital ones saved on computers and phones. But don't get discouraged! And don't dread the task. Please don't plan to put all of your photos into your Faithbook. You'll get yourself all knotted up with overwhelm. * Decide which of your photos you'd like to use first. Pour yourself a cup of coffee and have yourself a personal memory-savoring good time. As you peruse your pictures, save out some special ones with the intention of placing them in your spiritual legacy book. Barrier #3 I Do NOT have a Clue which Types of Supplies and Tools I Need to Get Started. When a non-artistic person (like me) wants to begin a Faithbook, it can be frustrating. You may not know which tools or supplies you need. To further complicate things, you may not understand the language for the craft. So how can you fix this barrier? As you look at your piles and piles of photos and realize there are so many scrapbooking supplies you know you are submerged in a new area--one in which you need help. Again I suggest whisper a prayer. "When you're in over your head, I'll be there with you." PS 143:2 (MSG) Not to worry! A little bit of training will go a long way- I Know. I took several beginner classes. With each class I learned-techniques as well as tips and more of the language. * You can often attend classes at local scrapbooking or craft stores. Call around to find out what may be available. * Sometimes, you can find classes online. You can learn a lot about the tools and techniques. An excellent place for this is

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6 Fakta Bowo Alpenliebe, Seleb Tik Tok Kontroversial yang Bikin Fansnya Ngaku Rela Jual Ginjal
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